Fifteen of our staff members attended and presented at the Healing Connecticut’s Children: The Trauma Focused Evidence-Based Practice Conference Wednesday, May 22, 2019. Hosted by the Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut, this event welcomed approximately 400 mental health clinicians, administrators and social workers from across the state to learn about evidence-based practices, which are specialized treatments that have proven to be effective in treating children for specific issues or disorders, or to help families in specific situations. Attendees then participated in a variety of workshops related to children’s mental health evidence-based practices.
We are so proud that we had so many CCGC staff members were able to share their expertise at the conference, and ran five different workshops throughout the day!
See below for more details on the workshops run by our staff!
1. Child Directed Play Therapy in ARC
Presented by Erica Mott, Shannon Boivin, Jocelyn Flores, Christopher McDowell, Vicki Strnatka- Knapp and Tanja Larsen
This workshop gave conference attendees a chance to come play on the floor with the CCGC team and learn some of our tricks for turning play into therapy! This learning session will feature 5—6 different “play stations” that clinicians will rotate through. This session specifically helped to educate attendees about the different components of the evidence based practice ARC, which stands for Attachment, Regulation, and Competency.
2. Minimal Facts: Partnering with Law Enforcement and DCF in Child Abuse Investigations
Presented by Christina Ferrante
This training was meant to help clinicians develop an understanding of the role of DCF and Law Enforcement in Child Abuse Investigations. It outlined the responsibilities of DCF versus Law Enforcement and clarify what “minimal facts” should be gathered when a child discloses. This session explained how to support the investigation process rather than compromising it.
3. Being Trauma Informed: EBPs for Non Clinicians
Presented by Tanja Larsen (CCGC) and Jeanne Carrillo (Stamford Public Schools
This presentation provided an overview of the TF-CBT, MATCH- ADTC, ARC, CBITS and Bounce Back treatment models for non-clinical staff who may refer children for treatment or work with families receiving treatment. This presentation described an overview of each treatment model, how decisions are made about appropriateness of the model, the components of each model, how to support children who are receiving treatment, and how progress is monitored.
4. Personalizing MATCH Thermometers
Presented by Erica Mott, Steven Graham, Angela Flanagan, Corrine Winters and Boris Enowitch
This presentation was aimed at helping clinicians to personalize a method of helping children identify feelings or levels of fear by picking a number on a “thermometer”. By personalizing this in treatment with specific children, clinicians can help to eliminate confusion that kids might have about the process and help them to more clearly communicate their feelings.
5. Q and A: Criminal Investigations
Presented byTina Ferrante (CCGC) and John Maston (East Central MDT)
Attendees joined Christina Ferrante, LPC, and John Maston, two retired police Sergeants who supervised child investigation units for a “question and answer” mini-session. Fifteen years ago, Tina and John helped co-found the East-Central Multi-Disciplinary Team (EC-MDT), a collaboration of professionals dedicated to investigating child abuse and neglect, prosecuting perpetrators, and ensuring victims receive treatment services.
CCGC would also like to offer special recognition to Erica Mott!
Erica was recognized at this conference as a “ Coordinator also Implementing Multiple Cases in each model.” Congratulations Erica!
And thank you to all our staff for representing our agency at this very special event!