Growing Together Gala 2023
A look back at our second gala, a wonderful night to remember!

Has it been a year already!?
Last May, our community came together for a spectacular evening at the Growing Together Gala to raise money for CCGC School. The event was a huge success, and the funds raised made it possible for CCGC to invest in crucial equipment, supplies, and materials that will enhance our students' experience and provide them with invaluable support for years to come.

A night to remember....
The gala was held at beautiful and historic BLDG 4, our new favorite place to gather in Manchester, CT. The event was filled with delicious food, live music, and a silent auction with a variety of items that were generously donated by local businesses. There were games and other activities as well, even a STEM table where CCGC's teaching staff brought the magic of STEM learning to life right before our eyes!

This year, our event may look a little different, but we look forward to continuing many of our traditions, like our annual auction, our fundraising games the games, and a giant paint by number like the one featured at our gala in 2023. No matter what, we love holding this event and seeing people come together while raising support for children in need of mental health and special education services.

To see the complete album of pictures, click below!
About our Cause
Last year's event raised over $26,000 for CCGC School! Thanks to the generosity and support of our community, we've achieved our goal of enhancing CCGC School with vital renovations and improvements. Our efforts have culminated in the installation of a new therapeutic swing system and mats in the occupational therapy room, the procurement of essential supplies and technology (like new speakers and tablets!), the distribution of donated books, and of course the exciting launch of our brand-new STEM cart.
These achievements, made possible by our sponsors, donors, and attendees, have significantly enriched the daily experiences of our students, bringing smiles and fostering an environment of learning and growth. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of CCGC School children!
This year, we are looking forward to this annual event once again, now reimagined and called the Growing Together Gathering. What has not changed is that this event will make great things possible for the kids at CCGC, providing necessary funding to support many of our programs and services. We can't wait to see what's next, especially after all the great achievements that were made last year!

Looking towards the future
This year's fundraiser promises to once again be a fun-filled evening with great food, music, and entertainment. Attendees can still look forward to a silent auction with a wide range of items donated by local businesses, as well as new and familiar interactive exhibits and games. We're looking forward to elevated barbeque offerings, plus local libations, and so much more. There will be plenty of opportunities to socialize and meet new people, and all attendees can enjoy the knowledge that they are contributing to a worthy cause.
The event is not just about raising funds, though. It's also about coming together as a community to support a cause that affects us all. Mental health and special education services are essential resources that help children thrive and achieve their full potential. Together, we can show the kids at CCGC that they matter too, and that they have the support of our community.
This fundraising event is a way to bring people together, to celebrate the good work that's being done, and to look forward to a brighter future. It's an opportunity for everyone in the community to show their support and to make a positive impact on the lives of children and families. Without fail, it will always be heartwarming to see so many people come together to support these causes, and it is a testament to the power of community when we work together for the greater good. Let's continue to support these important causes, and work together to make a positive impact in the lives of children and families in our community.

Let's come together for the kids again in 2024!
Last year's gala event was a huge success, raising funds for CCGC School. This year's event promises to be another night to remember, and we hope you'll join us and help to raise support for numerous funding needs across CCGC's departments and programs. It is an opportunity for the community to come together and show their support, and to make a positive impact on the lives of children and families. So mark your calendars and get ready for an enjoyable and inspiring evening. We look forward to seeing you all again at this year’s Growing Together Gala on May 31, 2024. Click to visit our event page, and get your tickets today!

Sponsorship Opportunities in 2024: If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a sponsor or donating to the event this year, you can donate online via our event page, or download the form by clicking the button below, and reach out to Molly Getchell at MGetchell@ccgcinc.org or (860) 643-2101 x217.